Good news abounds

We appreciate the fact that our towns find it hard work to pull off Old Home Days celebrations. Some of our towns outdid themselves this summer with spectacular events. Henniker and Hancock really pulled out all the stops this year. Weare is just getting its event off the ground, but the future looks promising.
Henniker enjoyed its fiesta so much there is going to be an effort to repeat it on a yearly basis. The problem is the three-day extravaganza is a bit too much. So next year there with be a one-day event called the Town Spirit Block Party. A committee has been formed to formulate the party and plan for such a scaled back event to fill in the years between the Old Home Days blast.
Hooray for Henniker.
Hooray, also, for Francestown which throws the biggest shindig of all and manages to stage it every single year. The Labor Day Parade and accompanying events are small towns at their best. The planning that goes into the event must entail yoeman work, but the proof is in the pudding.
Another community eyeing bigger and better things year after year is Antrim, where the Home and Harvest Days have become a huge regional event. The big attraction is the skateboarding competition, but there is also plenty fun-filled events for townsfolks to participate in. The Home and Harvest days are barely two weeks from now.
Then there is the other good news that the Hillsborough Teen Center has found a new temporary home. Had that not been the case, town government would have been due a healthy reprimand for kicking the teens out in the cold.