Blue angels preserve and protect amid a miracle of birth

To the Editor:
Are Angels Blue?
It’s not what you’re thinking. It’s not about being sad, yet sadness is a theme that runs throughout this entire story. Angels have plenty to be sad about and by today’s standards, we wonder how they even believe, let alone fly.
I think they do fly, they spread their wings in our darkest moments and it is now my belief those angels are blue not white, or at least there is a thin blue line in their wings.
Why, you ask? Why would someone believe that, especially a person with experiences of wrongdoing, death, destruction, injustice and yes, don’t forget the most important, life itself?
Are you surprised? Yes, I am talking about life. As a law enforcement officer for over 23 years, I have seen many things. I have experienced some of the most horrific images. But I take comfort knowing that there is a thin blue line protecting the “sheep” and preventing the “wolves” from attacking. While we can’t do it alone, there are other powers out there that enable us to “serve and protect.” In this case, which is close to home yet so far away, there are several other “powers” that have taken hold and have affected not only two different communities but hundreds of believers. I happen to be one member of the latter group.
On August 14, 2008, a warm moist summer night, Sean Michael Powers, a 24 year old man from Hillsborough NH, had just left his shift at the Hopkinton N H Police Department. See, Sean was a man of courage, a man of service and he believed in God, family, country and freedom. Sean was a young Marine; he had served two tours in IRAQ, preserving the freedom of their country. Sean was a hometown hero. Why? Not because he served in the armed forces and served our freedom, but because he gave us hope. He came from a tough New England town, a modest family and didn’t let the pressures of greed and evil take his focus away. Sean did everything right. He served; he studied, worked hard, and then came home.
He decided to serve again, locally. He became a police officer. and took an oath similar to the Marines, yes, that being simply “to serve and protect.” When he rode home on his “treasured” motorcycle, care free and thinking about the next day of service, evil struck. A vehicle driven by a young man who took another path than Sean’s, struck Sean’s motorcycle, killing him. The torn soul who took Sean’s life fled the scene, but not for long. He was found and is now held to Justice.
The story does not end, while Sean’s family was receiving the tragic news, they later welcomed the birth of twin babies from Sean’s brother Peter and his wife Alyssa. The very same day, their uncle was taken from them, but these babies lifted the spirits of the family and new life began.
While some will say, “when there is death, there is life.” I say there is more to the story, far greater than I ever imagined.
I’ll tell you why I believe. On August 14, 2008, the very day Sean Michael Powers flew with the angels, an analogous event was taking place in New York City. New York City Police Department Traffic Agent, Donnette Sanz, a young 33 year old, pregnant woman was crossing a busy city street in the Bronx, when a runaway van struck her, pinning her under a school bus that slammed in to the van. Thirty strangers ran to her aid, literally lifting the bus off of her lifeless body. Sanz was rushed to the hospital where she tragically perished. Medical personnel at St. Barnabas Hospital were able to save Sanz’s premature baby. Her family named the baby “Sean Michael.” Yes, the angels sang.
What is even more striking about the story is that the driver of the van, just like the driver who took our Sean Michael, was under suspension and according to police had “20 suspensions.” Another evil driver who never should have been behind the wheel.
Sean Michael Justin Sanz died on August 22, 2008. As with our Sean Michael, 1,000 mourners packed a church, in this case to mourn Donnette and Sean Michael Sanz. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg stated during the two hour service that the rescue of Sanz and the birth of her angel, “lifted the spirits of our entire city.”
Both Sean Michael Powers and Sean Michael Justin Sanz were tough kids; both were miracles in their own right. This story some might say is “unbelievable” or just a “coincidence,” I think it is proof that there are other forces out there serving and protecting. Most of all, I’m convinced, Angels are really blue…..
Dream and Fly my angels…..
Joe Collins