Thumbs Up

A.B. Urquhart Citizen of the Republic Tuesday-March 15, 2011


I will not be able to attend the Selectpersons' Meeting this evening. This meeting was not given proper notice to the public. This is a Department Head Meeting. The People's Hero Bill Goss, the Sam Adams of the non unionized employees, will spill over his nasty remarks toward the elected brutes. This should be a good evening. They should terminate Mr. Goss for gross insubordination and malfeasance from speaking out against the anointed Selectpersons. Mr. Goss as you know, wants to ensure all the Town Employees, included Mr. Stetsor Towm Manager' will be unionized. Mr. Goss and his union pips from the Police Department will rule with an iron fist or Bill's Bulldozer! Bulldozer noun, an insolent, overbearing person who persists in tormenting others. Mr. Goss you are a bully and we will send you to the HD School Resource Officer, if you can find one.

Thank you those who increased our taxes at the March 8, 2011 Town Meeting. I offer condolences to the Fifty-Seven Hillsborough Families that had their homes foreclosed. Nothing like a little greed from our happy historians.

A.B. Urquhart
Ctizen of the Republic

A.B. Urquhart



Do you want to play some football? I know where some foreclosed property is available for a football field. Several referees that have been laid off have indicated they will work the games for free. The bus company will not charge $306 per gallon for gas. They have recommended an enviornmentally friendly deisel special for $3.70 per gallon-for the road trips.

There is nothing like the power of: "Taxation with Representation."

A.B. Urquhart
Citizen of the Republic

A.B. Urquhart Citizen of the Republic


As a Conservative Republican, Citizen of the Republic, and Secretary of the Contoocook Valley Republican Committee, (CVRC), the below Article will be proposed at the Hillsboro Town Meeting. This is a one of many of the Republican Parties Values: "Protection for Our Vulnerable and Disaadvantaged Citizens."

I want to thank Selectpersons for allowing my Article for the March Meeting to be voted on.

The Article proposed is allowed by NH RSA 72-39-b, to modify the Eldery Exemptions...for a person 64 years to 74 years, $30,00, for a person, 74 years of age up to 79 years, $45,000, for a person 79 years of age or older, $55,000. To qualify, the person must own real estate individually or jointly, or if the real estate is owned by a person's spouse, they must be married at least five years. A single taxpayer must have a net income of not more than $25,000 or, if married, a combined net income of less than $39,999 and own assets not in excess of $71,500 excluding the value of the person's residence. Majority vote required. Recommended by the Board of Selectpersons.

This will assist our seniors just like you and me keep their homes in some cases. The amounts prior to this Article were well below the national average for the poverty level. This Article brings the Exemption for a married couple $300.00 over the poverty level. I would hope that this be approved at our next March Meeting. It is very modest in comparison to other communities of comparable size.

A.B. Urquhart Citizen of the Republic



Sometimes it appears that I have been negative. Well probably so, espically when our Chief of Police put in for a $200,600 increase in his budget. A leader came forward for the Hillsboro tax payers cause and said no to the Police Budget! It was Selectman Russ Galpin, who said: "Enough is enough, I am not for this budget." At the Selectpersons meeting on December 28, 2010 I congradulated Russ for standing by his principles and standing by the people he represents, the hard working people of Hillsboro. I will vote for Russ if he continues his revolutionary path of preventing: "Taxation without Representation." Russ maybe the new Sam Adams." I will not run, if Russ runs for Selectman. I will vote for him.

A.B. Urquhart
Citizen of the Republic

A.B. Urquhart Citizen of the Republic



I had a thought concerning the many of our citizens who are jobless and recieving unemployment benefits, some using these benefits for over two years. Please read, President Roosevelt's New Deal, one of many programs that I would support in contemporary terms. One extremely effective program was: "The Civilian Conservation Corps, (CCC). We need to support programs that will get the people working or continuing their education.

A.B. Urquhart
Citizen of the Republic



I would like to thank Sharon Voorhees for her column written on October 15. She touched upon many points with which I agree. This world needs all of the love and kindness that there is. I applaud her courage for sharing her thoughts and congratulate the editors on printing the column.
Thank you.



Greetings Citizens:

We have a little victory for our Republican way of life. The Pledge of Allegiance is Constitutional. Shock to the left. We will ensure that HD Schools Pledge the Allegiance to the Flag at least once per day. We should send a copy of the Pledge of Allegiance to all the teachers in the Hillsboro Deering School District.

A.B. Urquhart
Citizen of the Republic

For ten dollars to my favorite charity who wrote the Preamble to the Constitution?

A.B. Urquhart Citizen of the Republic



It is time to start looking at Hillsboro and our budget. On Novemeber 10, 2010 at 6:00PM at the Fire Station, there is a Benefits Committee Meeting. This will be followed by the Dispatch Center Meeting and their $400,000 Budget. Both of these Committees were established to assist the Selectman.

The Dispatch Center,under the Command of our Police Chief, will not cut any funds from this rather expensive Center. The Public was told by the Cheif: "when the dispatch personnel have down time they do clerical work for the police." Clerical work is more than half of Dispatch duties. It is only $400,000.

As you are aware I am opposed to closed sessions during Public Selectpersons Meetings. I will bet my fellow citizens-this will change. If Selectpersons continue to have closed sessions, during public meetings, I am assured the "Right to Know Law" will be legislatively changed to ensure representative government for and by the people.

Has anyone read the Schools Bully Policy? Did anyone read the State Law regarding Truancy?

Do we need a Hillsboro Traunt Officer hired by the School Board? We know Deering will not pay. This issue will be coming on Novemeber 9, 2010 to the Selectmans Meeting.

A.B. Urquhart
Citizen of the Republic

For ten dollars to my favorite juvenile donation answer this question:

Who were the people that wrote under the name Publius-1787 to 1788?

Send to:

A.B. Urquhart Citizen of the Republic


Greetings Citizens of the Republic:

I am back.

I was in Antrim holding the only Republican sign sandwiched between five to fifteen Liberal Democratic Left Wing Activist. I never thought standing alone observing cheers for the Democrats and a timid thumbs up from a few voters that the Republicans could win any seats.

What was disturbing to me, while holding Republican Signs for eleven hours, was not the cold, but the attidude toward an elderly citizen. The elderly citizen voluntered to hold my signs. I left the area for several minutes and when I returned the man said: "They, Democrats, told me not to hold your signs because the Republicans were bad people, espically Andy Sandborn." He continued: "Why do they personnaly attack people who have a different view?" By the way, I was a Democrat." My reply: " They are the far left that want to eat the very bowels out of our citizens through every imaginable tax you can think of. The Left want to regulate your life, tell you what you need for medical, how to use the internet and now how to vote. The so called "activist" will tell you type of enviornmental friendly toilet paper to use. In Antrim the ten federal and state regulatory agencies and other regulators will tell property owners a wind farm is needed to make Antrim asthetic and produce future electricity when the lights go out."

How do the Selectpersons in Antrim get away with a million dollar budget mistake?

If the Republicans start in the left lane we will vote them out.

Thank you Citizens of the Republic for defending our liberties by voting the rascals out.

A.B. Urquhart
Citizen of the Republic

The ironey, "Andy the Terrible," beat Mrs., Miss, Ms. Tremblay the far left activist. Like parisites they will be back to spew the ideology of big government, legalize the illigals, stop the growth of small buisness and tell us what is in our best interest. The far left contend we are revolutionaries because we believe in the Declaration of Independence, the first Ten Amendments, and our Constitution.

A.B. Urquhart Citizen of the Republic


Greetings Citizens of Antrim:

Thank you for those that voted for the Republicans in Antrim. I was the only one holding Republican signs in between a bunch of liberal activist. I never believed we could win in Antrim. A few folks gave me a thumbs up. An elderly man held my signs while I went to the bathroom. He was chastised by the elite democrats present not to vote for certain people because they "heard," Andy Sanborn was a bad person. Andy, the Terrible, beat Ms., Mrs., Tremblay.

I have never seen so many women vote! Where are the men in town?

The Republicans had better do what they promiced or we will vote them out.

Thank you,
A.B. Urquhart
Citizen of the Republic